Cosmos flower on spring background.


in full

in full



A retreat for women ready to

bloom into their full potential

June 29 & 30, 2024

The Clubhouse in Windsor, CA

Your dormant season is over,

it’s time to bloom.

Come grow with us if...

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You're a woman with big dreams and aspirations, but feel overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of your goals.

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You want to gain clarity on what you truly desire in life. You may feel lost and unsure on what your goals are, but you are ready to do whatever it takes to figure it out.

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You're tired of setting resolutions and not following through. You're ready to turn your dreams into actionable and achievable steps alongside women who feel the same way.

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You yearn for a supportive community of local like-minded women who understand and celebrate your unique journey.

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You're looking to break free from self-doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs that have held you back for far too long.

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You’re ready to finally invest in yourself, dedicating time and energy to nurture YOUR personal growth, rather than live to serve everyone else’s goals.

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Saturday Morning: Bud

We’ll start the morning with introductions & vulnerable, guided conversations, which will allow us to communicate for the rest of the day without any walls up.

Saturday Afternoon: Blossom

We will begin working through exercises in the She Can Club proprietary workbook. This is where we will dive deep to gain clarity on your goals & identify what’s holding you back.

Saturday Night: Bloom

After HOURS of life-changing conversations, we will identify specific next steps for you to take in order for you to live life IN FULL BLOOM, no matter what type of goals you set for yourself.

Sunday Morning

BONUS: Jenessa the Psychic Medium is coming to do a group reading with all of us before we depart. She will be giving us clarity on our goals and answering any questions we may have for our spirit team.

Retreat begins at 9am on Saturday and ends at 11am on Sunday

Snacks, meals, drinks and a craft project will be provided.

Are you ready to live life


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What types of goals will we be focusing on?

Health: Mental, physical, spiritual

Wealth: Financial, career, education

Relationships: Partners, friends, parenting

Soft-Focus Floral Background.
Like wildflowers you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would

Release limiting beliefs

Ladies, it’s time for your wake-up call! We’ll surround each other with support as we dive deep (and I mean DEEP) to uncover and release the barriers that have been holding us back from growth.

We will start our day with this hard & vulnerable conversation so that we can be IN FULL BLOOM throughout the rest of the day and beyond.

The SHE CAN Success Strategy

Hilary has created a goal setting success strategy with corresponding workbook that will guide us through the process. We will start by dreaming our biggest dreams, and then work as a group to outline the first steps to make them happen.

You will walk away with a practical plan and the motivation to start putting your strategy into action right away!


She Can Club has welcomed hundreds of women from around Sonoma County into our community over the past 3 years. There’s one thing we all have in common: we know deep down that we are made for more.

Women attend our events looking to make connections with other like-minded women, and our vulnerable conversations leave women realizing they are not alone in the daily struggles that we face.

Women who support each other, bloom together.

This retreat is not for you if:

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You're not open to personal growth or resistant to change.

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You're looking for a quick fix or overnight success; this retreat is about sustainable, long-term transformation.

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You're not willing to invest time and effort in self-reflection and self-improvement.

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You're not comfortable with the idea of sharing and learning from a close-knit community of women.

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You're looking for an event focused solely on leisure and relaxation without a personal growth component.

If any of the above describes you, this retreat may not be the right fit at this time. This retreat is designed for women who are ready and willing to embark on a transformative journey towards realizing their dreams. It's an opportunity for those committed to personal growth and determined to make their dreams a reality.

Learn more about

Our mission is to plant seeds of possibility in women throughout Sonoma County. There are no membership fees or prerequisites for joining us at She Can Club events. Every woman has a seat at our table and will be welcomed with open arms into our community!

She Can Club offers diverse opportunities for women to not only connect with other like-minded women, but to also connect with their higher self.

We want women to walk away from our events feeling empowered and excited about the future.

Come check out The Clubhouse, our very own Barbie Dream House where we host most of our gatherings!

IN FULL BLOOM Retreat Includes:

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A weekend full of life-changing conversations and activities

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Meals, snacks & drinks throughout both days

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The SHE CAN SUCCESS STRATEGY proprietary workbook & mentorship

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Expert advice to help you create a custom roadmap with practical & actionable steps to identify & achieve your biggest, scariest dreams

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A sisterhood of new friends who will support you every step of the way

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BONUS! ($100 Value) Group reading with Jenessa the Psychic Medium!

Space is extremely limited

Our last retreat sold out!

Total Investment Only:


Payment plan available through

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Hey, I’m Hilary!

After spending 15 years in the corporate world, I truly had accomplished and achieved everything society told me I “should” have by the age of 30. However, I still felt completely unfulfilled. The soundtrack in the back of my mind every day reminded me that “I am made for more.” I knew there HAD to be more to life than the hamster wheel I felt like I was stuck on.

At the age of 31 I officially retired from corporate and set out on a journey of figuring out what my life’s purpose was.

Long story short, I realized that every single lesson I learned along the way was leading me to fulfill my lifelong dream of helping women make their dreams a reality. I launched She Can Club in 2021 and have had the privilege of serving & supporting hundreds of women since then.

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You CAN sit with us!

Visit us on Instagram to join our girl gang!

You CAN sit with us!

Visit us on Instagram to join our girl gang!
